The top 5 apps you need in your uni life!

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Uni season is virtually upon us, and whether you’re heading into your first year or fourth, we’ve singled out the best completely free apps that you need to make your life easier!


Get instant access to big student discounts on hundreds of top brands, both in-store and online.


17 million students around the world already use UNiDAYS for great deals, free delivery, giveaways, exciting content and more from brands including ASOS, Nike, New Look, Uber Eats and hundreds more.


Planning on getting a part time job while you study?


Working in hourly paid jobs can often mean long hours, low pay and chaotic shift patterns. This can sometimes bring work and money management problems, payslip panic and in some cases have an impact on your well being. Our app was built by a team who personally experienced this way of life. We get it… and we we want to make things as easy as possible for you.


WAC app helps you:


Track your hours | Track your earnings | Organise your rota | Tells you your legal rights | Gives you a live payslip estimate | Manages your bills between paydays | Track your overtime, rate changes & tips | And loads more!


TGTG are on a mission to make sure good food gets eaten, not wasted. Every day, delicious, fresh food goes to waste at cafes, restaurants, hotels, shops and manufacturers – just because it hasn’t sold in time. 


For a couple of quid you can reserve a magic bag and pick it up at the end of the day – get sandwiches, cakes and snacks perfect for next days packed lunch for a fraction of the price!


This app from Microsoft takes pictures of documents, whiteboards, blackboards, magazines, receipts, and more and converts them into editable, shareable text. It can read images even from an angle and cleans up glare and shadows too.

Gone are the days of scrambling to write down everything on the whiteboard before it’s wiped away or replaced by the next slide – simply take a quick photo of the board and bang – you’ve got your notes!

RefME allows you to simply create, edit and manage your citations in a click, online. RefME completely automates the citation process by matching your citation style with bibliographic data, metadata and much more, accurately.

RefME allows you to save your citations straight to Evernote, to keep your research, smart and organised.


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