Control your income, love the outcome

Join 350,000+ hourly paid workers who use WAC to track, organise, and feel good about money.

Trusted by thousands of workers…

Get started

Add and track multiple jobs whether you’re an employee, freelancer, or self-employed.

Feel empowered

Know your workers rights and feel confident you’re being treated fairly in the workplace.

Feel supported

Learn the legal stuff school didn’t teach. If you’ve been underpaid, we’ll dispute it with you.

See your shifts, rotas and bills all in one easytouse app

Keep track of your shifts and estimated earnings in weekly, monthly, or pay cycle views

WAC in and out of work, backed by proof of your location. All in a snazzy, shareable report. View worked shifts for multiple jobs at a glance, including breaks, overtime and expected earnings. Export shifts by pay period as a report or invoice to get paid faster, or challenge incorrect pay.

Organise your upcoming shifts, holidays, and breaks with our advanced Rota

Save and share rotas so everyone knows when work starts (and good times begin). Plan upcoming holidays and days off so you know when to pick up a few extra shifts to make ends meet. Plus, create pre-saved shifts and weeks to add regular shift patterns conveniently.

Prevent payday panic with a live payslip estimate

See your expected earnings, even if you juggle jobs, swap shifts, and put in overtime. We’ve released the first-of-its-kind tax tracker which estimates deductions such as tax, pension, and student loan based on your earnings. Always know what’s expected to land in the bank before payday so you can confidently manage your finances.


We’re trusted by thousands of hourly-paid workers and freelancers to track their hours and earnings.


Your data is always protected with us and will only be permanently deleted at your request.


We’re accessible to the lowest-paid workers to ensure they have access to financial security.

Streamline your worklife with dozens of tools and features

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Dont forget!

WAC is not a governed body and does not replace official advice from ACAS, Citizens’ Advice, HMRC, or legal professionals. While we aim to support hourly-paid workers with general guidance, our advice is based on publicly available information, and we always encourage consulting official sources for specific needs. We’re here to help you navigate your work life, but we can’t provide official or legal guidance.